Agency   Marketing for Change

UX + UI + PM   Justin Greenstein

Creative Director   Karen Ong

Lead Developer   Justin Higgs


Equable came to us with a vision and long-term goal of bringing back confidence into the public sector retirement system. As their lead marketing agency, our team was pulled in to ensure not only a strong connection between their message and audience, but also create digital tools and platforms that support the facilitation of education, awareness, and action among public workers and policy agents. is a platform for delivering news, resources, data, and supporting content to those who are participating and influencing the future of pension programs and legislation across America.


Design and develop a digital hub that positions Equable — a bipartisan nonprofit — as a credible resource focused on educating and informing employees, retirees, labor, management, and taxpayers about how to create real retirement plan sustainability and affordability without sacrificing future income security.

Success Points

Simplified Content Architecture + CMS

Withy many layers of content, location, and audience segments, a simplified architecture allows easy client-side content creation and designation to determine where and when content is delivered depending on what’s relative to the user and what type of content is being consumed.

Scalability + Optimization

Since setting up as a base hub, we've been able to expand their reach by efficiently creating state-specific and topic-specific pages using an established visual language and component patterns. 

Optimizing based on analytics and qualitative feedback has also been a priority. Using sprints to scope and focus on tightening up features and content delivery to provide better experiences.

Initial Wireframing
Content Creation Mapping
Styles, typography, and photography treatment
Initial designs

Selected Works

Habit TilesDigital Project


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